Friday, April 8, 2011

mcm mne ek?

salam sumee...

macam mne ek?...
cmne nk jdik chantek ye?
kdg2 tgok orng chantek ney t'engen gak nk chantek...tipuu laaa klu korunk ckp korunk xnk chantekk hehee yg dok tabuq bedak satu muka tuh tok pe?....haaa bocor rhsia...klu nk chantek ney kte kene ke de

- slim body
- flawless face
- fair skin
- have height
- gorgeous pair of eyes
- over the top sense of style
- tons of money [hahahaa]

perlu ke ade sume tuh? bru ley jdik chantek cmney...

ney mke2 chantek barat...klu mke2 chantek di malaysia lak ske tgok mke dorunk ney....

cm susah je nk jdik chantek ney kn? hurmm...pening da ney haa pk...pape pon kpd sesiape yg dicoplet [curik] gmbr tuh hrp maaf sesungguhnye xde tok kegunaan len selain entry ney xde pie bomoh2 key? dun worie...POMISS!...pas tgok sume2 ney troz give up nk jdik chantek...yela cm xmampu jeh nk jdik chantek ney...xpela saye trime je pe yg de kt diri ini :))

potpetpotpet miera aznin

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