Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 XD

2010 is coming!!

taun baru sude smpai....akhirnye pergila taun 2009 dan aku akan jdy semakin tue grrrrr.....hahaaa aku hoping sgt2 taun neyh much2 btter dr taun lpaz..seyezly 2009 is a bad year 4 me :'( cm2 menda jdy smpai aku da x t'tanggung da huhuhu....pape pon 1st thing aku b'syukur sgt2 taun bru sude smpai aku doa2 taun ney xde masalh yg complicated dtg amin...then aku doa hbgan aku ngan b stay happy n joy as always amin...then aku doa supaya my SSBF stay as they were 2 me amin....then aku doakn anis supaya sentiasa selamat di uk n bler blik sneyh nnty XD amin....azam?? mm...ape azam taun neyh ek?? xt'pk lgsg hahaaa [faqa la neyh engt2 kn grrrr...mao sembelih faqa lepaz neyh ahaha] then aku pon pk ape yg aku azamkn taun neyh.....

azam taun 2010.....

- nk fit kn bdanku yg chubby neyh
- nk blaja rjin2 [insyaallah dpt twaran bru nnty]
- xnk beratkn kepala ngan byk masalah cm tahun lepas grrrr....
- nk b more epie ngan bie XD [xmo gdo2+sensitif2]
- nk enjoy lyfe yg ade [tpy ALLAH x leyh lupee XD]
- nk b epie slalu XD

boley t'cpai ka semua azam2 2? mm..doa2 t'cpaila..pape pon nk wish kt semua orng kt dunie neyh 'SELAMAT TAHUN BARU!...HAPPY NEW YEAR!..' hope pe ygkorunk sme azamkn t'cpai hendak-Nya....heheee de pesanan sket neyh huahua...

**bie ucyuk terchenta XD**

ayng!!!!!!!!!!!!!! huhuu taun neyh namo nkal2 taw...namo degil2 nnty kne tubit! hahaaaa hope taun neyh jdy taun yg plg best tok ayng cz taun neyh ayng lazt sem kt uitm do ur very best k dear? baby skong ayng dri depan..belakunk...ats..bwah n in ur heart! XOXO huhuu n baby hope kite stay together smpai biler2!! weEeee~ i lurfveeeeee u co mashy!! muax! muax! XD

**mirna lexthary dalova**

babe!!! heheee thankz 4 everything taw! ko jgan pressure2 taw taun neyh? kite epie same2 k? huhuhu aku wish da best tok ko! ko stay jdy BESTIES aku smpai bler2 taw!! klu ko curang aku xkn maafkn ko n xkn ngaku kwan smpai aku maty! wahahaaa stay hiburkn aku taw..aku xkn lupe sume hahaa sal jtuh, sal keypid n laen2... lebiu la hehe XOXO

**hanis izzati kazenkuh**

weyh!! hahaaa ko pon jgan pressure2 taw taun neyh ape yg jdy sume de hikmahnyee...engt tuhan engt family engt aku pape pon yg jdy sume neyh ttp de ngan ko...jgan rser ko sorng2 k? aku always de tok ko if u need me XD aku doa ko okie n selamat in every situation....nnty ko da blik malaysia kite shopping k??? [ko belanjeee weeeee] lebiu laaa huhu XOXO


to others lak yg xd'sebut name jgan terase n rser anda d'sisih hahahaa tidak sama sekali cume klu tulis sal sume mmg smpai taun bru akn dtg x abes hahaaaa...thankz a lot ats pape yg korunk wt tok aku selame neyh xkn ku lupe okie huhuu wish u all have a btter year dis year!! lurfve u all...XOXO

potpetpotpet miera aznin

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