Saturday, February 4, 2012


when this lonely feelings come to you? it's happen...

when you got no one by your side
when you got no one to turn to
when you got no one that understands you
when you got no one to help you
when you got no one to hold you
when you got no one to say 'it's okie, stop crying..everything gonna be okie'
when you got nothing else by your side
when you fall down and no one there to held you up
when you got no one to wiped your tears
when you got no one to tell you it's okie to cry
when you got no shoulder to cry on
when you already give up to live
when there no one that love you anymore
when you no longer important
when you only see you and no one else
when no one else see you but themselves
when no one care about you anymore
when you cry alone on your bed in the middle of the night
when no one know what were you really feels inside
when you stop believing 
when there's no more trust
when everything falls into pieces

potpetpotpet miera aznin

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