Monday, January 30, 2012

don't judge a book by it's cover...

salam semua..

lame da x update blogg kn? bukan xnk update just xde mase je nk update... (haihh bz benor ko pm ke?) bukanla pm tpy klu da mkn pon ley lpe x ke bz tuh? ha jwab..jwab...okie sudah!..act lately life aku mmg tunggang-langgang...last sem aku sgt tough...aku rse separuh maty nk keep on survived...smpai lpe mkn la...hahaaa (laughing with a straight face..ko bley??)  somehow in da weirdest way aku survived and now nga tggu results (copot jantung eden ney haaa)...semoga result nnty memuaskn lah hendaknyee...sejak kucar-kacir sbb stady ney sume pon mula la bertabur2...even my personal life...i miss my dear sumone...i miss all my frens..aku rse da cm kera sumbang da...da lme x bersosial dgn sume orng yg de hanyelah so SIAL...muzty sume orng pk aku ney trok mne x nye bler ajk jmpe ade je alasan yg bg...muzty dlm haty dorunk (klu xnk jmpe ckp jela xyah nk bg2 alasan kambeng ko ney) tuh la nk wt cmne...orng xkn paham pe yg kte rse..n ssh nk wt dorunk phm...if only u guys were in my shoes then you guys noe wat i've been through these past far conclusion tok year 2012 nothing fun happens...

well ckp smpai mulot berbuih pon xgne...bkn de orng nk taw pon cte hebat ko ney (hebat ke? petuiihh!)..just the main conclusion as stated above... I'M NOT AS OKIE AS I PRETEND TO BE...klu orng tgok aku muzty xcaye pe yg aku ckp...sbb mmg sumpah aku sndrie x sangkal la benda ney..I AM A VERY GOOD PRETENDER!...ko bygkn aku ley ketawa terbahak2 cm epie sgt padahal dlm haty tuhan saje yg taw hahaaaa (laughing with a straight face again..wanna try??)...act jujur aku ckp aku bkn saje nk pretend tpy benda tuh naturally maybe tuh gift yg tuhan bg kt aku..ssh tok orng tgok aku nges sedu-sedan....bygkn even aku nga serabot thp kambeng parents aku pon x notice sume tuh...pdhal dok 1 uma ney haaaaa mcm mne tuh? aku xperlu la orng taw pe probs aku..selagi aku ley tanggung...aku tanggung sendri...even skunk ney mkn pon ntah ke mane...skunk ney klu aku tgok udang pon aku ley sengih je pastuh blah, klu korunk btol2 knal aku muzty korunk tkjot mne x nye aku ney hantu udang!! pntang nmpk....just aku nk bg nasihat kt sney klu la de orng len yg rapat ngan kurang yg mempunyai kehebatan ultraluarbiasa cm aku tuh pay more attention to them...sometimes when you laugh doesn't means your heart laugh too...maybe they need you more than you know...appreciated people around you key?...

so 2 jela tok post kali ney :))

potpetpotpet miera aznin

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