Friday, July 22, 2011


salam sume...


pg2 aku da bgon yela cm bese mle kn hari..bgon kol 5 pg mandy2 siap2 kol 6 pg kuar uma pie kl then kol 7.15 pg pie kl sntral amek ktm tok pie claz smpai kol 8.05 last claz mdm tngku noor so smngt sket dtg hehee...mdm tngku noor sgt baek n sporting ske dye!...dye bg kteorng nye carry marks,tips jwab exam and revision...cm2 pngorbanan dye just nk tgok student dye success...then pas abes claz dye aku p tgok nana n wawa men gamelan ngan erina monkey hahaa mle2 besh tpy lme2 xthan sbb blik tmpt dorunk men tuh panas nk amat..xde air-cond or kipas...lme2 dlm tuh ley maty kering...then fika dtg...aku pon blik ngan birthday fika da epie semcm je mamat tuh aku tgok xpela aku phm xkn nk masam n moody je tyme birthday kte aite? then dlm p'jlnan tuh de la smthing happen yg wt aku geram n down sekejap [tpy malas nk cte bikin panas je wtpe] tpy xde kne-mngena ngan mamat tuh haaa...[aku budak baek!]...then tok cheer up kn aku, fika ajk aku mkn ais-krim mcD aku pon mknlaa kunun2 nk ubt haty yg lara...then kami blik n pisah aku trun kt kg.bru fika trun kt wangsa maju...blik2 aku rest jap kt uma wanjam pnat sgt rasenye bdn...then around kol 3.3o pkck syng aku kol2 ckp da smpai...dye dr shah alam jmpe ngan kupangsat hehee...kami plan nk kuar same2 cz dye cuty..kami pon pie wangsa walk cz plan nk beradu tenaga lwan BOWLING huuhuuu~ pas men bowling kami pon nk blik la cz dye plan nk dinner same2 ngan wan mmber dye kt bangi..alang2 dye anta aku tuh...sblm tuh kami pie shell jap isi angen tayr kete n isi minyak hehee then aku tman dye pie bli cengkerik tok fishiee kt uma dye...burlp..burlp...da selesai sume menda kami pon pie la bangi...lepak2 mkn then balik...smpai2 je uma aku pon kebabom! mmg da xley nk bukak mate da PENAT gler!..pape pon aku HAPPY sgt2 hehee..kla korunk pon da borink bcer kn? nah tgok gmbr!

scoreboard kami hehee

our drinks [honeydew with pearl and almond oreo with jelly]

mke khusyuk masing2 mnyedut air 

wajah2 pkck syng nga isi angin tayar kete and bsoh cermin kete while minyak terisi dgn sndrinye wuuuuuuuuu~~

tuh jela cotcetcotcet aku kali ney da pnat da taip cramp da jari hahaa...sekian dr tuan pnye blogg !

~ M.I.E.R.A ~

potpetpotpet miera aznin


salam sume...

today aku nk share sket kt korunk sal guys...aku nk share kt korunk pe ciri2 guy yg aku ske tgok, klu tgok stok mmg x b'kelip2 mate...siap drooling ag [ceh melampau lak] xde la smpai thp tuh...tuh juzt hiperbola je...let's begin...

a guy with a simple haircut....i prefer short-haired...[klu dye wt style cacak2 yg ley bnuh cicak tuh ag aku ske] hahaaa

a guy with a sexy eyes..wuuuuuuuu~~

a guy who weared a rayban...

a guy with a smile to die for...

focus on a guy at the left side :)
[yes he's da same guy like before..can't helped it he's HOT]

a guy with a body that make you insonmia..

a guy that wear a simple shirt with jeans...

a guy who wear a tuxedo..

a guy who wear sneakers

a guy who played guitar

[eqa ko sure ske part ney kn? plus bonus lak gmbr 'hubby' aku tuh bahahaaa]

a guy who rides a motorcycle

there you go....ney la top ten ciri2 guys yg ley wt aku gile...but yet...sume ciri2 ney i just love to SEE but not to bg aku sape pon yg jdik bf aku or laki aku one day nnty aku accept dye seadenye..and klu dye de ciri2 cm kt ats ney aku considered it as a BONUS for klu kte beria2 nk cm mamat2 kt ats tuh yg bg kte da ckp perfect tuh cbe kte tgok kt cermin...tgok drie kte we deserve it?..xkan la kte nk yg hot tpy kte xde pe yg hot pon kt mate dye mmg kompom korunk bkn yg pertama dlm list dye maybe no 20 ke? hahaaa...dr kte jdik cm2 bek kte accept orng yg ley accept kte seadenye at least u can be who u are when u're with BEST tuh! xyahla jdik plakon drama..x worth it lgsg...klu dpt sejuta ke xpe kn? hahaaa so beringat2 la ye?...

p/s : heheee even de sume mamat2 yg hot kt luar sane, saye syng bf saye je..weeeeeee~~ (^__^) v

potpetpotpet miera aznin

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


salam sume

nothing much 2 say actually..i'm just pissing off like hell with a bitch that have this PROJECTION thingy case you wonder what is this PROJECTION means 'that you don't want to admit your own mistakes and you blame others for it'...why am i bringing up this issue ? it is because i'm dealing with this kind of person when i'm in my class [yawning] boringggggg!!..she's thought that she's so clever and always put others on her feet...come on like you were the only one that have 'otak dinosour' in the class...this kind of attitude really makes people around her annoying..she's always with her big mouth [which is she really have on her face!] saying that whenever there a mistakes that not her making one...actually i'm not exactly the one who dealing with this bitch face to face [it is because i never be her friend in the first place] but yet i felt pity with her friends that always become her devil mouth victim...she shouldn't do that to others cause we never know when are we gonna be at the bottom...and when that happen who will you find?  your friends right? the one who close enough to you and can actually stands with your bitching you better change for a better life in the future....remember what our lecturer says...'no matter how rich you are, no matter how smart you are, no matter how beautiful you are, always be humble and thankful...not being a snob bitch or a snob son of bitch' [okie my lec only say it until thankful the last part i'm adding it to make it sound more fun yeeehaa!] for all stalkers don't be like that key? it's not worth it...always be HUMBLE cause it's a NOBLE thing to do...okie??? heheeeee (^__^) v

F.I.N ~~

potpetpotpet miera aznin

Sunday, July 17, 2011

R.I.P (T.T)

salam sume...

today i want to share my grief...
as u can see in da picture...dats what my former history teacher look like when im in my secondary school..she thought me history since i was in form 4 until form 5....i rarely know her that tyme...but yet i always remember everything dat she told me and what she have done for me...her sacrifice...i receive da most sad news from my dear bestfriend frasandy aulia andy nio pohan dat she had passed away...maybe around a week ago...we had missing a great teacher and a u can see she's also somebody's mother and wife...she had 1 happy family of her one can replace her...may your soul rest in peace my dear teacher...u always in our hearts and our prayers....thankz teacher! we all love you~

potpetpotpet miera aznin

Saturday, July 16, 2011

monkeying around putrajaya!

salam sume! 
Monkey Icon

smlm saye n collegemate saye decide nk pie jln2 memandangkn sem ney bakal abes n pasney puasa pas2 raya so cm bz je pasney msing2 kn? jdik ney la mase tok spend tyme same2...mle2 kami jmpe kt tol kajang...

driver of da day : me n nad
passanger of da day : erina, nana, lela n wawa

hehee pas jmpe kt tol kajang...nana n erina naek ngan aku yg len stay ngan nad...kami pon trozkn p'jlnan smpai ALAMANDA putrajaya....smpai2 sne kami pie pizza hut tok mkn...tyme tuh pon da tgh hari alang2 kami lunch dlu...mmg dorunk sume plan nk mkn pizza...aku 4low je heheee...smpai2 sne kami pon mnggile la smbil mkn!...

pizza hut [part 1]
Monkey Icons

pizza hut [part 2]
Monkey Icons

then pas da puas mkn especelly nana...yg mkn cm da stahun xmkn...kunun malunyee...kami pon grak la pusing2 putrajaya...tgok pe yg ade...kami p PICC [kot] the kami pie FLORIA [kot] klu slh jgn mare ye?
Monkey Emoticons
 heheee key2 less talk more pixchaaa~

PICC [kot] hahahaa
Monkey Icons

bridge + lake...
Monkey Icons

FLORIA [kot] part 1 heheee
Monkey Icons

FLORIA [kot] part 2
Monkey Icons

FLORIA [kot] part 3
Monkey Icons

hehehee tuh dye...soriela ye klu serabot byk sgt gmbr amek rituh...tuh pon ltak suku je klu ltak sume mau stuck blogg aku hahaa....pape pon dat day mmg SUPERBB!! thankz u ollss! luuuufveee yaa!...

[for more n clearer pixcha, you're please to come n visit it at my facebook here are the link..just click it if you not able to see it that's mean you're not my fb frenz huhuhu] ceeewahhh! ley wt iklan da ney kahkah...

friends are made for us to realise that we are never alone
together we stand, we can hold the world..
BFF  ♥♥
Monkey IconsMonkey Icon

Monkey Icon
potpetpotpet miera aznin