smlm saye n collegemate saye decide nk pie jln2 memandangkn sem ney bakal abes n pasney puasa pas2 raya so cm bz je pasney msing2 kn? jdik ney la mase tok spend tyme same2...mle2 kami jmpe kt tol kajang...
driver of da day : me n nad
passanger of da day : erina, nana, lela n wawa
hehee pas jmpe kt tol kajang...nana n erina naek ngan aku yg len stay ngan nad...kami pon trozkn p'jlnan smpai ALAMANDA putrajaya....smpai2 sne kami pie pizza hut tok mkn...tyme tuh pon da tgh hari alang2 kami lunch dlu...mmg dorunk sume plan nk mkn pizza...aku 4low je heheee...smpai2 sne kami pon mnggile la smbil mkn!...
pizza hut [part 1]
pizza hut [part 2]
then pas da puas mkn especelly nana...yg mkn cm da stahun xmkn...kunun malunyee...kami pon grak la pusing2 putrajaya...tgok pe yg ade...kami p PICC [kot] the kami pie FLORIA [kot] klu slh jgn mare ye?
heheee key2 less talk more pixchaaa~
PICC [kot] hahahaa

bridge + lake...
FLORIA [kot] part 1 heheee

FLORIA [kot] part 2

FLORIA [kot] part 3
hehehee tuh dye...soriela ye klu serabot byk sgt gmbr amek rituh...tuh pon ltak suku je klu ltak sume mau stuck blogg aku hahaa....pape pon dat day mmg SUPERBB!! thankz u ollss! luuuufveee yaa!...
[for more n clearer pixcha, you're please to come n visit it at my facebook here are the link..just click it if you not able to see it that's mean you're not my fb frenz huhuhu] ceeewahhh! ley wt iklan da ney kahkah...
friends are made for us to realise that we are never alone
together we stand, we can hold the world..
BFF ♥♥
potpetpotpet miera aznin
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