today aku nk share sket kt korunk sal guys...aku nk share kt korunk pe ciri2 guy yg aku ske tgok, klu tgok stok mmg x b'kelip2 mate...siap drooling ag [ceh melampau lak] xde la smpai thp tuh...tuh juzt hiperbola je...let's begin...
a guy with a simple haircut....i prefer short-haired...[klu dye wt style cacak2 yg ley bnuh cicak tuh ag aku ske] hahaaa

a guy with a sexy eyes..wuuuuuuuu~~

a guy who weared a rayban...

a guy with a smile to die for...

focus on a guy at the left side :)
[yes he's da same guy like before..can't helped it he's HOT]
a guy with a body that make you insonmia..

a guy that wear a simple shirt with jeans...

a guy who wear a tuxedo..

a guy who wear sneakers

a guy who played guitar

[eqa ko sure ske part ney kn? plus bonus lak gmbr 'hubby' aku tuh bahahaaa]
a guy who rides a motorcycle

there you go....ney la top ten ciri2 guys yg ley wt aku gile...but yet...sume ciri2 ney i just love to SEE but not to bg aku sape pon yg jdik bf aku or laki aku one day nnty aku accept dye seadenye..and klu dye de ciri2 cm kt ats ney aku considered it as a BONUS for klu kte beria2 nk cm mamat2 kt ats tuh yg bg kte da ckp perfect tuh cbe kte tgok kt cermin...tgok drie kte we deserve it?..xkan la kte nk yg hot tpy kte xde pe yg hot pon kt mate dye mmg kompom korunk bkn yg pertama dlm list dye maybe no 20 ke? hahaaa...dr kte jdik cm2 bek kte accept orng yg ley accept kte seadenye at least u can be who u are when u're with BEST tuh! xyahla jdik plakon drama..x worth it lgsg...klu dpt sejuta ke xpe kn? hahaaa so beringat2 la ye?...
p/s : heheee even de sume mamat2 yg hot kt luar sane, saye syng bf saye je..weeeeeee~~ (^__^) v
potpetpotpet miera aznin
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