helo new semester! [uuurrrghhh]
hey ya...now aku nga poning dok pk sal study al maklum la sem bru da stat and the best part is sem ney aku nye subjek plng byk which is 6 sub and 1 koko equal to 7 sub errrkkkkkkk...
mle2 aku mmg down tgok sub yg byk plus schedule yg mmg ley maty tercekik tgok tpy then thankz 2 my pkck syng yg bg smngt aku pon decide sem ney aku nk blaja tol2 n kekalkn results aku plus kteorng nk fyte ngan each other ag hehe chayuk honey!!
ney la sub2 yg aku amek sem 5 ney..
EPD2043- Perkaedahan Pengajaran Seni dan Kreatif Kanak-Kanak
EPD2083- Pengurusan dan Keusahawanan Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak
ESD2013- Organisational Behaviour : Social Science Perspective
ESD2023- Thought and Knowledge Leadership
BGD2053- Introduction to Human Resource Management
MPW1143- Pengajian Islam
UKD2121- Appreciation of Film
haha byk kn? tough lak 2....xpe2 aku da azam nk wt yg terbaeeekk sem ney nk study hard InsyaAllah berkat sokongan besties kt U, pkck syng n family aku ley kekalkn results aku nnty amiiiiiinnnn...para stalker joyah pon doakn yg terbaek tok joyah ye? hehee...
dats all deariee...
potpetpotpet miera aznin
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