smlm saye gey supinggg ngan pkck syng saye weeeeeeeee~~ seronok sgt2...btw kte cte dr mule...mule2 plan nk kuar pg around kol 10 lbey2 cm2 la...but then tggu punye tggu pnye tggu pkck syng eden xbgon2 gak...last2 kol 12 lebey kuar cz tggu pkck syng saye tuh ishk2 mare kte taw!...firstly kteorng pie jusco cz pkck syng nk ptong rmbut...smpai2 sne kteorng pie salon Miko or Mico aku xengt spelling dye hehee kt sney je sejam setengah hahaa cz yg ptong kn rmbut pkck syng saye tuh training student so kne wt keje haty2 kunk melotop lak pale pkck syng saye tuh...waaaaaaa jgn2! xrela mak!...
rmbut pkck syng pas haircut...
sorie la sblm haircutnye xde hehee
lurfve it! ♥♥
then pas selesai ptong rmbut kteorng troz straight pie tymes square tok SUPINGG!!....smpai sne troz jln pie crik menda yg nk bli..kteorng pie cm2 kdai survey brg cz kne compare harge dlu kunk beli2 meraung cz de brg yg same kt kdai len n ag murah...tujuan kami nk crik sneakers, heels, and jacket but in the end cm2 kteorng bli hahaa....tok pkck syng dye bli sneakers and baju tok saye lak huhu malu lak nk ckp....key2 tok saye lak saye bli heels, casing fon, necklace, sneakers and purse...kihkih byk lak....pape pon thankz a lot kt pkck syng saye cz blanje saye sume brg kecuali heels...thankz sgt2 even saye rase guilty cz duet pkck syng byk abes kt saye je (T.T)...pas puas da pusing2 kteorng crik kdai tok mkn tyme buke t...last2 kteorng pie mkn kt Mr.Ramen hehe SEDAPP jgak taw! buncet prot eden...hehee mai tgok gmbr...

makanan kami

wajah lapar..
pkck syng ley snyum ag hehe buroks nye mke saye!

ske sgt pkck syng saye tuh ape yg dye suke pon xtaw
tol x saye ckp buncet da prott [malunyee]
hehe pape pon we have a GREAAAT tyme together dat day...even pas blik pkck syng bgtaw saye berita sdey cz kad atm dye elunk..maybe cicir tpy saye pon xsure bler cicirnye cz tyme nk suping tuh pkck syng da kuarkn duet siap2 xde pie bank pon...xpela nnty wt kad bru ye syng?..hope xde pape menda burok jdy in the future amin...
k dats ol guys...
im really2 epie honey
thankz 4 everything ya?
nnty kte suping same2 ag taw!
lot's of love from me
potpetpotpet miera aznin
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