Two friends were walking through the desert. In a specific point of the journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face.
The one, who got slapped, was hurt, but without anything to say, he wrote in the sand: "TODAY, MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE".
They kept on walking, until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who got slapped and hurt started drowning, and the other friend saved him. When he recovered from the fright, he wrote on a stone: "TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE".
The friend who saved and slapped his best friend, asked him, "Why, after I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write on a stone?"
The other friend, smiling, replied: "When a friend hurts us, we should write it down in the sand, where the winds of forgiveness get in charge of erasing it away, and when something great happens, we should engrave it in the stone of the memory of the heart, where no wind can erase it"
Learn to write in the sand to appreciated more with what you have...
The one, who got slapped, was hurt, but without anything to say, he wrote in the sand: "TODAY, MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE".
They kept on walking, until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who got slapped and hurt started drowning, and the other friend saved him. When he recovered from the fright, he wrote on a stone: "TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE".
The friend who saved and slapped his best friend, asked him, "Why, after I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write on a stone?"
The other friend, smiling, replied: "When a friend hurts us, we should write it down in the sand, where the winds of forgiveness get in charge of erasing it away, and when something great happens, we should engrave it in the stone of the memory of the heart, where no wind can erase it"
Learn to write in the sand to appreciated more with what you have...
this storie reminds me about my beloved babes! there are the only bestfriends that i have...they so precious to me..they help me when im in trouble they laugh with me when im happy they never leave me when i need them..this is what we called a true friend...
if you got a friend who call u and text u when their in trouble but left you when there is ur turn LEAVE them they not your true friend...
if you got a friend who always want u to spend them with luxury but them never do the same for u LEAVE them they just used u for their own good...
if you got a friend who always saying bad words about u in front of u KEEP them cause they just being honest and maybe joking to make you smile but if got a friend who always say bad things about u behind ur back LEAVE them they were jealous of u...
if you got a friend who never cares how much money u borrow from them or when r u gonna pay them back KEEP them they r ur true friend cause they trust u but dont take it for granted! :))
if your friend are ur true friend they never leave u no mtter what happen either u happy or sad..either u rich or poor..be friend with those who willing to be ur friend dont find a friend that cannot accept u 4 who u r...
to my babes thankz 4 being such a wonderful friend to me! BFF!! ♥♥

♥♥♥♥ lurfves u guys!..FRIENDSHIPS NEVER ENDS!! ♥♥♥♥ :))
potpetpotpet miera aznin
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