y am i talking about being stronger so suddenly?
i have a very bad n tough tyme lately..
there was 1 day that i fall down and down
n i felt like i never can wake ups again
it hurts so bad it bleeds so fast
until i cant breathe n tears start to fall down
to show how much pain i was feeling that tyme
again i wonder n wonder..
why is it that everytyme i do something good
for others n oll that i get back is SHIT?
y people didnt appreciated what i've done for them?
but then day by day pass by...
i regain my strength one by one
try to move on with a brokenhearted everytyme
i saw their faces..
their fake faces...
dun like it fucking much but yet i dun hate it
because 2 me they still my friends..
my heart keep saying to me
get up! get up u lazy ass!
y must u let this stupid things destroying u?
u have to be strong! u r strong!
dont let anything that they do let ur guard down
u must move forward , look ahead...
dun look back anymore
what ever they do let GOD decides what will
happen next for them
n you keep on be patient
move on....
u know u cn...
beat them..
beat the fakers miera!
ignore them keep on smiling
keep on the good spirit!
learn from the past not let the past conquer u..
u can do it nur amirah aznin!!
to mucuk : thankz a lot syng cz calm me down that nyte n be by my syde no matter what..thankz a lot i dont know how to repay you..GOD bless you...i love you more n more....i mish you 2..mish you a lot..remember our promise k? work hard for it....we can do it syng...baby love biee ♥ ♥
to my babes : thankz a lot fana n fra...cause u guys concern about me n try to calm n helping me..i appreciated it a lot more than words could say...i thankz GOD everyday cause giving me you guys to be my babes!...thankz again! i love you guys...! ♥ ♥
potpetpotpet miera aznin
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