nk storiee....lately aku minat gler kt sorng actress neyh bg aku dye cute,talented n haf a nyce smyle...hehee name dye amanda seyfried..dlu xknal sgt dye tpy yg wat aku t'tarik ngan dye tyme aku tgok cte jennifer's body *megan fox ntah pape ntah dlm movie tuh..harap body jee* then aku google la sal dye not bad gak even bru dlm bidang lakonan hehe neyh serba sedikit sal dye...

Name : Amanda Michelle Seyfried
D.O.B : December 3,1985
Age : 25 years old [2010]
P.O.B : Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, United States
Mother : Ann [therapist]
Father : Jack [pharmacist]
Siblings : Older sister jennifer Seyfried [musicians]
School : William Allen High School
Known as : American actress, singer-songwriter, former child model

her film....
- As the world turns, All my children [popular soaps 1956-1970]
- Meangirls [2004]
- Nine lives [2005]
- American gun [2006]
- Solstice, Alpha dog [2007]
- Mamma mia [2008]
- Jennifer's body [2009]
- Dear john, Chloe, Letters to juliet [2010]
tuh je la yg aku taw stakat neyh hehee...
coming soon cte sal my favourite actor lak *pisssss hot!*
lalalalalalallaalalaaa XD
potpetpotpet miera aznin
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