Monday, December 24, 2012



i miss you so much
and i felt lonely without you here
please come back by my side as soon as you can

potpetpotpet miera aznin

Sunday, December 23, 2012



are you??

already did :))

remember that guys

sometimes sacrifice something that are important to you 
for someone who deserved it worth more than you can think of
as long as you keep loving each other

potpetpotpet miera aznin

Saturday, December 22, 2012

memory triggers


heheee tdy tgh mah menahan kesakitan dgn membaringkn diri di atas katil berteman mp3 sebagai peneman setia...suddenly mah mp3 player 2 play unexpected song...lame sgt rsenye mah xdgr lagu ney..*sgt2mngusikjiwaokie?* heheee...b4 ney mah xdgr lagu ney cz lagu ney holds a lot of memories so mah xde guts nk dgr klu x kompom banjir bangi ney..alhamdulilah pas mah da move on ney mah dgr lagu ney blik tanpa setitik airmata pun yeayy to me!! *sumpahgedik*...omaiiigoddd xsangka sbbkn cte lame mah sggp tolak A7X ohhh tidaaakkkk~~....sggp mah abaikn kekasih2 gelap mah...tdy tgok vc lagu ney mah rse ALIVE gahahaaa ohhh i miss A7X...mah oiii dr tdy lagu2..lagu pe la ney eehh?...hehee maaf ya adk2...neyla lagu yg mah dok sebuk2 terjerit2 kt atas tuhh...sat aaaa...

Dear God
Avenged Sevenfold

a lonely road
crossed another cold state line
miles away from those i love
purposed hard to find
while i recall all the words you spoke to me
can't help but wish that i was there
back where i'd love to be 
ohh yeah..

*dear God
the only thing i ask of you is
to hold her when i'm not around
when i'm much to far away
we all need that person who can be true to you
but i left her when i found her
and now i'd wish i stayed
cause i'm lonely 
and i'm tired 
i'm missing you again 
ohh noo
once again

there's nothing here for me
on this barren road
there's no one here
while the city sleeps
and all the shops are closed
can't help but think
of the times i've had with you
pictures and some memories
will have to help me through
ohh yeahh

*dear God
the only thing i ask of you is
to hold her when i'm not around
when i'm much to far away
we all need that person who can be true to you
but i left her when i found her
and now i'd wish i stayed
cause i'm lonely 
and i'm tired 
i'm missing you again 
ohh noo
once again

some search never finding away 
before long they waste away
i found you something told me to stay
i gave in  to selfish way
and how i miss someone to hold
when hope begins to fade

a lonely road
crossed another cold state line 
miles away from those i love 
purposed hard to find

*dear God
the only thing i ask of you is
to hold her when i'm not around
when i'm much to far away
we all need that person who can be true to you
but i left her when i found her
and now i'd wish i stayed
cause i'm lonely 
and i'm tired 
i'm missing you again 
ohh noo
once again

tadaaaaa! ney la lagu yg mah ctekn tdy :)) 

potpetpotpet miera aznin

menstrual cramps


menstrual cramps?? apokejadahehhtuhmahoiii....hahahaa menstrual cramps ney pe yg korunk rse bler korunk period klu x period korunk xkn rse klu rse 2 makne ehh siren tok ke jamban la 2 ye adk2 hahaha...haa jgn slah paham..xsume orng akan rse menstrual cramps ney..kunk de lak yg byk angkatan tentera nk bertelagah ngan mah sal ney..bwak2 bertenang ye mah ckp b4..xsume orng akan experience menda sape2 yg x experience mnda ney bsyukurla byk2 ya? sesungguhnye menstrual cramps HURTS like hell!!...mah pon xtaw cmne nk describe skitnya...tpy klu smpai xley bgerak, xlalu mkn, muka pucat lesi so the conclusion is?? yes pndai! sakit sgt okie? as usual...xde pe yg tuhan wt tanpa pnyelesaian...sesungguhnya Dia maha bijaksana...smlm mah google2 mnyelam2 sket tok crik care tok reduce menstrual pain ney..rupenye de cm2 care even care yg lgsg xterlintas dlm pale hotak mah yg rusty ney hehee...klu adk2 nk taw sila click di link yg telah disediakn terima kasih :))

hope pas adk2 da bcer pe yg de di link 2 serba sedikit dpt membantu anda dan juga mah hehee..pape pon kuatkn smngt ya? 2 sume ujian tuhan turunkn kt kte n 2 bmksud yg kte ney seorng yg kuat sbb ley harung sume ney tiap2 bulan n survived! hehee b thankful..God blessed you all :))

potpetpotpet miera aznin

Friday, December 21, 2012



thanks :))

aaaww :))

potpetpotpet miera aznin



when i miss u....

i can suddenly sucks in alphabet

little?? naaahh...

it's happen all the time :))

it's true dear :))

my dirty little secret ;))

(^__^) heheee

especially the one that reminds me of you, the one you used to sang to me

another dirty secrets of mine :))

hahahaaa it's happen everyday

dear all i wanted to say is clearly that
a lot!!

potpetpotpet miera aznin

Thursday, December 20, 2012

big..big LOL !



enuf said

watch out

hahahaaa im gonna kick ur ass
true story?

potpetpotpet miera aznin

congrats cuzziee~


hey there..
riney mah nk share sal kazen mah..wuuu dye ney mah xtaw la memiliki otak dinosaur mne hehee...alhamdulilah pas results PMR yg kuar baru2 ney beliau berjaya mengaut menggunakan jengkaut 9A's..congrats2! hehee...npe 9?? sbb x 10 gahahaa..9 sbb kazen mah ney skola agamo *ubah mke suci sket*...pape pon tahniah di atas kejayaan anda cik hannah!

kak miera doakan semoga terus berjaya di masa hadapan ya?

potpetpotpet miera aznin

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

letting go...


it is time to let go of the PAST
live for the PRESENT
and look forward for the FUTURE
cause life too SHORT to wake up with REGRETS
LOVE the people who TREAT you right and FORGET the ones that DON'T
if you get a CHANCE go and TAKE IT 
if it CHANGE your life just LET IT
NOBODY said life will be EASY but they just PROMISE
it will be WORTH it
have FAITH
SMILES a lot
LAUGH your hearts out
LIVE your life to the FULLEST
remember GOD always by your side

potpetpotpet miera aznin

somebody that i used to know


hey guys..
riney mah nk wt curahanhatykehaty *giteeeew* hahaa...nola mah just nk share pe yg mah rse dats ol..smlm mah berwasep ngan AF..haaaa believed it or not yes i do..mah pun xtawla dr mane mah dpt strength to do so..da taip2 pk 10x hahaa nk send or x...last2 send jgak mle2 dye xreply..key xpela mah phm mah pon mngejut sgt mau kejang skjap pkck tuh tgok wasep tuh..gahahahaaaa~~...lame pas2 mah rse de vibration kt pungkoq mah mah pon check it out la...rupenye AF reply wasep mah..haaa hamek ko awkward moment...kami pon berwasep tujuan mah? tujuan mah wasep ngan AF is cz mah nk kn PROPER CLOSURE...selagi dye x let go mah properly mah xley lpekn pe yg jdy n all i can felt is ANGER and GRUDGE...smpai bler mah nk rse cm2?? sedangkn dye bley bersuka ria ngan bitch 2..mah pon manusia bese...i deserved to b happy 2 rite??...dats y mah try jgak dptkn closure tuh..mne x nye b4 he just leave me all by myself just like dat!! da sad part is mah x sngke his not manly enough to confront ngan mah...mah yg kne crik dye like i always do...mah yg kne crik strength mah sndri tok selesaikn mnda ney in order to move on and breathe easy...funny rite? tpy mah caye sume ney happen cz Allah nk mah jdy kuat ag kuat dr AF and ag kuat dr he thought i am..and even b4 mah gather strength ney Allah da tnjuk kt mah pe yg AF experience in order tok mah paham pe yg jdy tuh bkn sng bg AF jgak...mah xley selfish and keep on mare2 very thankful im finally get it and ley face it...pas da puas berwasep...ayat last AF tok mah...

'halalkan everything dr dlu smpai skrg..again im sorie..hope u cn move on easily..ill pray dat u live a happy life, found sum1 dat really appreciate u d way u r n sukses in ur life..tek ker assalam..'

AF jugak de request mntk tlg mah bgtaw sume kwan2 mah yg dye mntak maaf for everything..dye xksah klu dorunk xnk maafkn skalipun dye just wanna say sorie...xpela mah paham dye pon xbrani nk ckp sndri xpela mah smpaikn..pas2 mah nges puas2 let go of everything..then mah rse alhamdulillah FINALLY after almost a year mah dpt pe g mah crik..n dr care dye wasep mah..mah figure out his not worth my attention, love or either my tears and care anymore...he turns to SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW....

marilah crik sugar daddy y-olls gahahaaa

potpetpotpet miera aznin

i knew you were trouble...


hey y-ollss...
sje mah nk share new song dr taylor swift ney cz mah rse lagu dye ohseeemm!..hahaaa mle2 dgr da ske...then yg wt mah ag ske bler vc dye kuar..waaahhh i looooovee it!...hehee marila same2 kite saksikn...
rolls pliss...

i think..i think when it's all over it just comes back in flashes you know it's like a kaleidoscope of memories but it's all comes back..but he never does..i think a part of me knew the second i saw him this would's not really anything he said or anything he was the feeling that came along with it and crazy thing is i don't know if i should..i knew this world move so fast and burn to bright but i was thought how can a devil been pulling you towards someone who looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you..maybe he knew that when he saw me..i guess i just lost my balances..i think that the worst part of it all wasn't losing him but it was losing me

i don't know if he knows who you are until you lose who you are

i knew you were trouble
taylor swift

potpetpotpet miera aznin
messy freak

Thursday, December 13, 2012

ex-es (part 2)


today mah nk cte sal ex-es...xkn korunk xde kot sebarang 2 or 3 or bpuluh2 hahaha..unless korunk xpnah kapel b4 ney 2 mah bg exception yg mah nk cte kt sney pe yg mah rse n pe yg mah simpan slame ney..pas puas pk mah rse da smpai masenye mah lupakn cte lame n move on...smpai bler mah nk terikat ngan cte n kenangan lame...IAO told me i shud let them go so i can move on, b happy n live my life..i guess he was ryte..smpai bler mah nk hidup cmney..hidup dlm kenangan..dah sah2 mnda xdpt nk putar balik ryte??..especelly when we talked about AF..dlm rmai2 yg plg payah mah nk lupe si AF ney laa...npe?? cmne mah xssh nk lpe kt dye..mah membsar same2 ngan dye..mah knal dye dr kcik n xde pape smpai skunk...mcm2 mah harung ngan dye..syng xpayah cte la..tuhan je yg taw..mah xknal dye setaun dua mah knal dye 8 taun..8 taun 2 bkn 1 period yg pndek okie??? klu kteorng kawen da de anak dua gaknye...ssh sng mah dgn dye..he taught me a lot of things..i MEANT it...he taught me about happiness, he taught me about trying harder to get what u want, he taught me about sadness, he taught me about sacrifices, he taught me about being a coward, he taught me about reality behind every dream n also he taught me about pain..da most painful pain...there are time when u said to urself ' OMGeee...he's totally mine n his gonna b my husband sumday! '...but no matter how high u try to fly once the lightning strikes you, you will fall..fall hard enough till you to broken up to get up again...2la pe yg mah experience taun ney..mah xnah cte cz mah bkn jnis yg lepaskn pe yg mah rse..mah lebih suka simpan smpai 1 tahap mah sakit prasaan korunk bler orng yg korunk plg syng, orng yg korunk trust, orng yg korunk respect, orng yg meant everything tok korunk betray korunk sikit2 smpai mnda 2 terbongkar korunk rse??..ko muzty rse tertipu ryte? korunk muzty rse yg dye xnah value korunk, korunk rse korunk ney xde nilai n korunk rse pe yg korunk de slame ney sumenye FAKE tol x??..dats wut i felt when AF betrayed me..stabbed me in my back..attack me slowly till the agony is unbearable...slow2 mah try bgun..tpy mah jtuh blik..mah bgun..mah jtuh yg jdy too painful bg mah smpai tahap mah rse mah xmampu nk bernafas ag..skit n berat sgt rsenye chest mah...dlm journey of recovery 2 jgak mah jmpe mcm2 orng..mah try haf relationship len tpy sume xberjaye...mah still xley lpekn AF...mah still dlm bayang2 AF...still caged and chained to my past memories...mah xley accept pe yg dye wt kt mah...its too brutal...tooooo painful...mah keep wondering why he being such a chicken n didnt haf a courage to face me n tell the truth...i wan 2 hear da truth from his fucking mouth...mah pgg taught 2 smpai mah develop another feelings which is anger n grudge..IAO told matter how hurt it is i haf 2 let him go, let da anger go...there's no point 2 keep it anymore cz all i will feel is nothing but heartache..bler nye mah nk epie klu cm2 ryte?..if i let everything go..i might as well b happy like i deserved to be ryte? now i've decided it's time tok mah change n move on..let AF live his own life, let him b happy with the bitch dat he choose, let him b da chicken he choose 2 be..let him carried wut he did towards me in da past on his shoulder as a life i shouldn't care bout him anymore..he is nothing but THE PAST...

Ya Allah...
dear God...
pliss hear my prayer..let me live my life with peace and happiness without even remembering about da past anymore...teach me how to appreciated what i have in front of me instead of looking at my me who is da right one for me n dun let anything come in between my heart to love him as much as i can but never let me love him more than i love you dear my eyes to see people around me dat never getting tired of supporting me and give me hope to live..strengthen my faith towards you n make me believed dat everything happens for a reason n it happens because u were trying to test me because you loved me more than anyone can love me dear mighty..protect me from any harm..protect people around me, protect da person dat i love..thank you for everything Ya Allah..may u always by my side dear mighty...


sorie for a very short period of relationship..yes we used to be together a long time ago b4 i met AF but as u said to me we were a child back then..we don't even noe wut love just a puppy love dat happen to no matter how i turned, u were btter off as my friend than a boyfriend..but its your rights either  you want to be friends with me or not..but never forget..all i did is da best for both sides..not only me bt also for you..i prayed for your a happy life..InsyaAllah u will find your happiness..amin..thanks for everything..

yes ofcz i hate you..i hate you so much dat i wan you 2 die..i hate you so much asshole!...but i didnt hate you enough till i cant forgive you..yes i forgive you...all da pain n agony dat u gave me, i let them go n so did is time for me to let you go along with the past memories and all of da choose your partner...n its time for me to choose not a better person for you n you definitely not a better one for me your life happily with everything with her..i dont give a damn anymore..wut enough is enough...too many tears i cried for you, to many scream i screamed for you, too many pain i suffered bcz of you...its time for me to be free from your shadows..its time for me to be happy as much as you are now or even happier who knows ryte??..thanks for everything..i meant it...thanks for da happy moments..thanks for the pains..its a life experienced dat i learned from you...all da best for you..may God blessed you with a happy life and a perfect soulmate..amin

sorie for everything..i guess i hurt u more than i think i strong i know u're a strong will person even you didnt think you harder to achieved your goals..appreciated people around you especely your father no matter how he treats matter what he is your father..take a good care of your for with just..i"ll prayed dat you will find a great happiness soon..may God blessed you..thanks for everything for 5 months we were together..all the best...insyaAllah..amin..

to you...

Dear IAO,
thanks for everything dear..thanks for always be by my side n never give up on me..i know im being a titanium-headed [stubborn] sometimes but i never take your advice for you said it takes time..time will healed me completely along together with you...thanks for making me realised that i do deserved to be happy n live my life to da glad i choose you..thanks for loving me dear..i prayed everyday that what we haf will last n nothing that we cant handle come in between us..insyaAllah amin...i love you...n soon da day will come..da day dat i will say ' i love you more than you do' :))

potpetpotpet miera aznin
messy freak

ex-es ! (part 1)


to the BITCH

to the EX

to dear KARMA


live and let go

potpetpotpet miera aznin

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

big LOL!


*wwwoooppss (>.<)*


*double meaning puzzle..tricky huh !*


potpetpotpet miera aznin

Monday, December 10, 2012

fyte for it..


who cares??
i know i don't
*if you really love that person catch him/her and don't look back..make it worth fighting for cz you're fighting for your own happiness*

mood : greenie meanie

potpetpotpet miera aznin



kadang kita dok pk smpai terpusing kepala hawat la life ney byk sgt je yg dtg...tpy kite kne engt klu xde cobaan2 2 bkn kehidupan la name eh...mne de orng yg hidup dye sempurna...ko p la wt survey 1 dunia skalipun...xkn jmpe orng yg kehidupannya sempurna kecuali....dye pandai crik kesempurnaan drpd ketidaksempurnaan *weee ayat mah kaw2 tok korunk hahaaa*...cbe kte dok sat *ala2 bertafakur giteew* kte pk npe sume cobaan2 2 dtg kt kte...adakah ianya KARMA?...adakah ianya kerana DOSA2 kite?...adakah ianya kerana ALLAH syngkn kite?...adakah kerana kite ney seorng yg USELESS?...cm2 akan dtg kt kotak pemikiran korunk tuh...ade yg positif ade yg negatif sume bergantung kepada setiap individu...klu cm aku..aku ney ske pk bkn2 hahahaahaa negatif-thinker giteeww...xtaw la knape ssh sgt nk pk positif...sbb aku rse bler aku pk positif aku akn ltak hope kt c tuh bler it turns the other way round yg frust tertonggeng sapa? aku gak kn? tuh yg aku malas nk pk positif2 ney...tpy klu x pk positif nnt xde pegangan n smngat lak nk troskn hidup..see life ney complicated *or sbnrnya aku yg complicated??* hahahaa ! yg aku nk ckpkn sbnrnye kt sney xkrela susah mana pon life kte..kte kne kuat n troskn hidup cz ' if u dun live 4 sumthing u'll die 4 nothing ' tol x??..kte kne ttpkn matlamat kite truskn kehidupan kite..biarla pe pon nk jdik kte kne engt sume tuh dugaan n ujian tuhan bg kt kte as mere human being..kite xkn belajr dr kesilapan kite klu kite xpnah jatuh...kite xkn taw slah silap kite klu kita xpnah jatuh...sume tuh pengalaman tok kite..xslah tok bersedih apa gunanya tuhan kurniakn kita perasaan sedih n airmata klu kite xley nk bersedih n menangis rite?...tpy biarla apa yg kite sedihkn n tangiskn 2 tok memberi peringatan kt kte n sape taw kte ley dpt kekuatan dr pengalaman kite...ape yg aku ckp ney bkn tok korunk je tpy tok aku gak sbnrnye hehee *rse cm ckp ngan cermin* kihkihkih...xpe time will heals..slow2 kita bangun n teruskn kehidupan kite..InsyaAllah kite boleh ! :))


potpetpotpet miera aznin

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

cinderella's stepsister..


yesung - it has to be you
ost - cinderella's stepsister
korean drama 20 episode
*sweetest song ever heheee*

luna and krystal - calling out
ost - cinderella's sister
korean drama 20 episode
*saddest song ever wuuuu*

potpetpotpet miera aznin

if only...


if only the painkiller pills 
can make the pain inside your heart go away
if only the tears that you cried
can washed away the agony
if only holding your breath 
can make the time stop flies by
if only the delete button 
can deleted all the past memories
if only by saying 'i'm okay'
can really makes you feel okay
if only by holding a gun 
can develop courage instead of insecurities
if only by saying 'i'm promised you'
can sealed everything from broken apart
if only by pulled the trigger
can make people see that your exists
if only when you're screamed 
can make people hear you
if only when you shut your eyes
can make u breathe easy
if only by keeping everything deep inside your heart
can make things much more simple and easy
if only by saying enough
can make you become stronger
if only by just saying 'I LOVE YOU'
can make us believed that there are happy ending in every story...
if only right?
if only..

potpetpotpet miera aznin

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

love song..


today jemah nk cte sal love song...jiwang?? amboii ape korunk engt mah ney xde pasaan ke??...eleh korunk  2 pon same je xnk ngaku kunun hahaaa..muzty de certain2 time tbe2 kte rse nk lyan emo sensorng tol x? *klu xde pon angguk jelaa sdapkn sket haty mah ney*..eheeemm2! smbung blik..hehee so far byk je lagu cintan-cintun kt luar sne tuh...klu nk list mmg xlrat la *jgn nk bnuh mah key? nk suh mah listkn sume* as for now lagu yg mah rse shuwiiiitttt sgt kn lagu boys like girls yg latest BE YOUR EVERYTHING...hahaa bler dgr rse waaahhhh berbunga2 gitewww dgr tajuk pon da waaaaaaaa...npe bbunge? cz mah berangan klu la de orng tuju lagu 2 tuh mah waaaahh i will b da happiest girl...y? cz lagu 2 lirik dye shuwitt lak klu yg tujukn 2 orng yg kte syng ag la bbungaaa2...hahaaa mah mmg jiwang...tbe2 dtg jiwang mah mmg cmney..hahahaaaaaa...key2 nk ckp byk korunk bkn nk dgr pon..heheee meyh la mah tnjuk bukti...

official video clips
*up until now mah xpaham vc ney hahaaa*

click there for lyrics

other song yg mah rse quite sweet...

your call - secondhand serenade

fall for you - secondhand serenade

hehee lame da xlayan secondhand skali 2 mah nga drive skali terdgr lagu fall for you trus mah terengt memori lame..mle2 sdey gak then mah snyum snsorng..dye xde xbmakne mah xley idup kn?..agpun now mah da de reasons to live...mah de IAO, mah de babes2 mah, mah de family mah...ramai orng blakunk mah sntiasa skong mah..i hope it will last forever..amin..
dala mah bebel lebey2 kunk ttido korunk bcer blog mah ney t hahaaa...kbaiii!

potpetpotpet miera aznin